28 October, 2014

Tasman Crossing On way to Oz day 2

Malua's position 24 47.900S 162 37.962S at 06:00 on 29/10/2014 600nm togo

As predicted the wind did drop off and I have had the motor on for what seems like three days but in fact not quite that long. It may however continue for the next two days as the centre of the high passes over me. The 1.4 knot current that was helping me along has now disappeared so my speed over the ground is the boat speed which is just about five knots. At these engine revs I only use about 1.7 l of diesel an hour so that is not so bad.

The severe low/depression which passed over southern Tasmania yesterday has reached North Island of New Zealand. Gulf Harbour Radio who I listen too each morning at six am where having difficulty hearing people checkin over the thunder and lightening. The vessels on passage to Opua NZ where either holding back to let that clear or positioning themselves to make landfall before Sunday because there is going to be another storm hitting north island. There are a number of yachts in Minerva reef waiting for the right conditions to leave. During the net you could hear the anchor chains being pulled up as they all left on mass to reach land before the bad weather.

I checked in on Tony's Marine Maritime net on 14315 at 8:00 am EST. There where not very many boats but it is fun to be involved in a professional net with the correct procedures. Patricia from Gulf Harbour ZL2RK came up looking for a vessel that had not checked in to their net. They provide a great service.

On Malua things just plod along. With no wind and no sea the vessel is quite steady. The sun is out and it is a beautiful day. I have finished reading my first book and am on to the second. They are American thrillers. I find the plots OK but the events and situations quite unbelievable. They are so far from reality I just shake my head. That is the reason I don't read science fiction. I should loose myself in the book. I prefer real life survival stories. Those I can believe but I have read all the Outside books and accounts so I am now down to fiction.

I will have to get out the fishing gear and make myself another lure after the last one was taken by some large sea monster. If I get a fish I wont know what to do with it as I have a full menu in the freezer. I am sure I can make room for some freshly caught Mai Mai.

Back to sitting in the sun on my granny chair on the stern.

A Magical Moment on Malua
At 10/26/2014 9:08 PM (utc) our position was 23°28.00'S 164°34.00'E

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