Malua is now in Prevevza ready to be hauled out of the water for the winter as we return to Oz for the Summer. It has again been a long season. Starting at Marmaris in Turkey, traveling through greece and the Corinth Canal to the Ionian then north to Croatia and spending two weeks in Venice. We then sailed south through Croatia, Montenegro and back into Greece. We have spent a few weeks cruising around the islands.
Tomorrow it is up on the hard, off to Athens then back to fly out to London then on to OZ. A great season
The blog of HarryWS and my yacht Malua. We sailed Australia, the Pacific, Europe, Caribbean and USA. I built Malua in Canberra then cruised the Pacific through New Zealand, Tonga, Fiji and Vanuatu during 2004. Malua was in the Mediterranean in 2007 at the start of a cruise westwards round the world. After a trip up the French canals we crossed the Atlantic, cruised the Caribbean including Cuba. From the east coast of USA through the Panama canal to Galapagos then the wide Pacific to Australia.